Chia Jeng YanginWhyHow.AIDynamic Expert Feedback: KG RAG as a Two-Way Retrieval & Memory System vs One-Way Vector SystemHow up-to-date dynamic context requires feedback and schemas that allow structured communication between humans and LLMs.Sep 191Sep 191
Chia Jeng YanginWhyHow.AIWhyHow.AI’s talk at the 3rd Annual Industrial AI Conference ‘24Tom Smoker, Co-Founder at WhyHow.AI, spoke in September 2024 at the 3rd Annual Industrial AI Conference about Multi-Agent Knowledge Graph…Sep 12Sep 12
Chia Jeng YanginWhyHow.AILegal Document RAG: Multi-Graph Multi-Agent Recursive Retrieval through Legal ClausesMulti-graph multi-agent systems for legal documents that recursively retrieves different clauses, footnotes and definitionsSep 72Sep 72
Chia Jeng YanginWhyHow.AIKnowledge Graphs, Completeness & Multi-Document Retrieval BenchmarkHow Knowledge Graphs aid in Complete Retrieval for Multi-Document RAGSep 3Sep 3
Chia Jeng YanginWhyHow.AIImporting Your Unstructured Triples into WhyHow.AI — Notebook DemonstrationImporting your Pre-Existing Triples into WhyHow.AI for modular graph management & multiplayer graph creationAug 241Aug 241
Chia Jeng YanginWhyHow.AIThe 3-Step Process for creating RAG-Native Knowledge GraphsWhat process and features are available for you to understand and iterate on the Schema, Graph Information, and Question interpretation.Aug 152Aug 152
Chia Jeng YanginWhyHow.AIWhyHow.AI Platform Beta Update — SDK for programmatic flowsWhyHow.AI is a modular platform that works seamlessly with your existing pipelines, and be useful for devs and non-technical expertsAug 103Aug 103
Chia Jeng YanginWhyHow.AIMultiplayer Knowledge Graph Creation, Expert-Led Human Labeling & Neuro-symbolic AIHow Multiplayer Knowledge Graph Creation is helping to turn Domain Expertise Knowledge into Machine-Readable Data.Aug 41Aug 41
Chia Jeng YanginWhyHow.AIWhyHow.AI KG Studio Platform Beta & RAG Native GraphsWe are excited to announce the Beta launch of the WhyHow.AI Knowledge Graph Studio Platform, the easiest way to build KG RAG systems.Jul 2410Jul 2410
Chia Jeng YanginWhyHow.AI5 Misconceptions of KG & RAG Systems — Building & Using RAG-Native GraphsRAG-Native Graph Creation have several misconceptions from traditional graph creation. We look to tackle some of these misconceptions.Jul 222Jul 222